Thursday, October 31, 2002

Halloween 2002 Cat Bowling
Wired News: Dear Saddam, How Can I Help?

Saddam had an email account. It wasn't very secure. Here are the strange and weird messages people were sending him. Several US companies offered illegally to do business with him.
Pasadena Citizen -- Dress up as a burrito, and it's on the house

As children and adults alike rush to the stores to purchase Halloween costumes, there's one costume they may have no luck in finding - a burrito costume. But, dressing up like a burrito today could pay off in the form of a free burrito today if you show up at your local Chipotle Restaurant.
Last year, more than 400 Texans walked into restaurants across the state dressed as burritos, tacos or other related items to earn free food.

The Pasadena location at 5759 Fairmont Parkway at Beltway 8 has been open for only two weeks, and store managers do not know how many life-size burritos to expect, but they do expect to see some "burritos" today.

Wednesday, October 30, 2002

Yahoo! News - The P/E myth

There is no link of market P/Es to subsequent returns--no matter how you measure the ratio and no matter over how long (up to five years) you measure returns.

I have to think about this.
Internet Week -- SuSE Linux Delivers A Microsoft Alternative > October 30, 2002

I am still considering replacing Windows ME.

AlterNet: Are Marketers the New Racial Profilers? Software that profiles people for marketing companies continues to be distrusted by many.
A New View of Our Universe: Only One of Many

The Megaverse with the anthropic principle takes hold as the dominant theory.

Tuesday, October 29, 2002

Independent UK Eating less in middle age could extend longevity, a study of mice suggests.

The research suggests a low-calorie diet can slow the heart's ageing process and extend its working life.

Scientists from the University of Wisconsin-Madison found middle-aged mice on calorie-restricted diets had stronger hearts in old age. Even when calorie intake was not restricted until middle age, the life-span of mice increased by 20 per cent.

HoustonChronicle -- Garfunkel discovers he has a hand in lyrics with poems

One of my favorite artists has a new cd Everything Waits to Be Noticed. which at least one critic loves.

Kill the Pop-Ups -- Internet Game

Boston Globe : Coffee achievers

Now, with their self-help follow-up ''The Coffee Advantage'', Weinberg and Bealer offer average morning self-medicators hope that they too can join the ranks of what an old ad campaign once dubbed ''the coffee achievers.'' Loaded with useful sidebars and diagnostic quizzes, this user-friendly manual offers advice on the optimal ''dosing'' that will make us smarter, calmer, safer, thinner, healthier, sexier, less bored and ''hostile"... Studies have shown that geniuses and Sunday painters alike see colors more intensely and show improved ''visuospatial reasoning'' on caffeine.

Saturday, October 26, 2002

Reuters: Ticking Sound May Be Your Pension Fund

"...The sad truth is the companies will have to sweep up much of their already pencil-thin earnings to cover pension shortfalls.

"Credit Suisse First Boston estimates that a whopping 325 of the 360 companies in the S&P 500 index that have defined pension funds will have shortfalls this year."

Most companies have underfunded their funds, have too high an investment return built into their statements, and will have to pull money out of earnings to make up differences. This has not been acknowledged except for a couple commentators noting all rallies so far, including this one, have been on beating poor earnings estimates and not on "good" earnings.

Friday, October 25, 2002

Status.Blogger.Com We suffered a hacker attack but everything is back up now.
Books Online, NO US ACCESS

If you are in the US or some European countries you can't download these books whose authors died more than 50 years ago. So remember, don't download these books.
Google excluding controversial sites - CNET

Google, the world's most popular search engine, has quietly deleted more than 100 controversial sites from some search result listings.

Absent from Google's French and German listings are Web sites that are anti-Semitic, pro-Nazi or related to white supremacy, according to a new report from Harvard University's Berkman Center.
Stereotypes 20 tops, 20 bottoms
New Scientist NASA has bold plans, No budget

Last week, without fanfare or any grand announcement, it quietly unveiled its blueprint for the future. It calls for a space station close to the Moon that will ultimately serve as a gateway for missions all over the Solar System.

The NASA Exploration Team (NEXT), which was set up by NASA three years ago to dream up a future for human space exploration, shared its vision with aerospace experts at the World Space Congress in Houston, Texas. The plan could not be in starker contrast to the politically motivated Apollo missions of the 1970s, or the aimless, cash-guzzling International Space Station. This time the science will come first, promises Gary Martin, NASA's Future Technology Architect and head of NEXT.

Wired News: Say Hello to Sanjeep, Er, Sam

Much of the telemarketing and call center business is going to India, which can create confusion - for both Indians and Americans.

Thursday, October 24, 2002 -- Aiming at AOL, Microsoft and Disney release combined Internet service

"In the Beginning was the Command Line" By Neal Stephenson has him discussing the history of operating systems and why he thought Disney would be the perfect company to create the next one. The link is for the complete text of the small book. - Clinton aide slams Pentagon's UFO secrecy

One winter night in 1965, eyewitnesses saw a fireball streak over North America, bank, turn and appear to crash in western Pennsylvania. Then swarms of military personnel combed the area and a tarp-covered flatbed truck rumbled out of the woods.

Specifically, the Coalition for Freedom of Information (CFI) is pressing the Air Force for documents involving Project Moon Dust and Operation Blue Fly, clandestine operations reported to have existed decades ago to investigate UFOs and retrieve objects of unknown origins.
BBC NEWS : Fish 'lowers dementia risk'

Eating fish or seafood at least once a week lowers the risk of developing dementia, researchers have found.

ABCNews: Any Exercise Is Better Than No Exercise
RUSSIA -- Prostitutes Steal Secret Software from US Army

Prostitutes stole a portable computer with secret software from US Army soldiers currently conducting military exercises in Poland. The computer disappeared when three programmers of the US Army invited prostitutes to dinner and to drink. The men fell asleep rather quickly. However, when they woke up in the morning, they discovered that their computer disappeared; in addition to the computer, the girls also stole a digital camera and a pair of speakers.
UK Independent -- Stealing 40,000 hangers Court Case Part 2 : Two Men Arrested in Sniper Case First report I can find on web.
UK Independent -- High court hang-ups
'Why did you steal 40,000 hotel coat hangers, knowing that hotel coat hangers are designed to be useless outside hotel wardrobes?'

Court hi-jinks in England.
NYTimes : Shark's Pearly Teeth Gnash Near 'The West Wing' Has West Wing "jumped the shark"?

"An inspired phrase, "jump the shark" refers to the point at which a television series begins its downward slide. (The term comes from the moment in the aging "Happy Days" when Fonzie waterskied over a shark...)"

The last four episodes have been dull and getting a little flaky but it is only four episodes. Wait it bit before you pronounce it no better than the rest of television.
U.S. bird species declining - ENN

"More than one in four U.S. bird species is declining in numbers or at risk of disappearing, according to a new report from the National Audubon Society.

"The birds' conditions, worrisome on their own, should be taken as a broader indication of the health of the country's ecosystem, despite successes such as the recoveries of the bald eagle and peregrine falcon, the group said."

Wednesday, October 23, 2002

Israel: Scholars Disagree Over Reported Ossuary Of Jesus' Brother, James

Note: I liked BAR when I used to read it. It is not in any sense a Christian mouthpiece - it gets much fundamentalist opposition. Daniel Lazare is wrong - James the brother of Jesus was very prominent in Israel.
TechTV | No Culprits Yet in Recent Internet Attack

In his daily briefing today, White House spokesman Ari Fleischer said the FBI knew about the distributed denial-of-service attack against the Internet's 13 domain-name root servers while it was happening Monday.

But Fleischer said it was unclear who carried out the attacks. "There is an investigation underway to determine who is responsible," he added.

Tuesday, October 22, 2002

Take the What High School
Stereotype Are You?
quiz, by Angel.
MSNBC -- Is vegetarian eating really healthier? Health benefits include lower risks for cancer, obesity, heart disease... emphasizes that any beneficial effects of a vegetarian diet may also be gained from one that limits meat and other animal products, and emphasizes an abundance of a variety of vegetables, fruits, whole grains and beans. It’s not just what you avoid, it’s what you eat that counts.

Monday, October 21, 2002


'Harry Potter' to Battle 'Lord of the Rings,' again this Christmas

IHT: The surge in autism in California is real
The Miami Herald -- Dave Barry -- Stating your case for the stupidest state

An outfit calling itself ''Morgan Quitno Press'' recently ranked the 50 United States in order of intelligence, and I am TICKED OFF. My state, Florida, came in 47th. Can you believe that? Forty-seventh! How dare they? How dare they suggest that Florida is more intelligent than three other states? No way!

MSNBC -- Quasi-satellite of Earth discovered

An asteroid much closer than the asteroid belt, in a complicated Earth Trojan orbit, has been discovered and would make a good space mission. It is about 40 million miles away compared to hundreds of millions for the asteroid belt. This is about 150 times as far as the moon
Forbes: Small Web radio stations to pay lower royalties, most may stay in business
Reuters: Low-Carb Diet Deemed Safe and Effective Over Short Term

People who follow a low-carbohydrate, high-protein diet for 6 months may lose more weight than those on a standard low-fat diet, and they appear to experience no cardiovascular problems as a result.

However, study author Dr. Bonnie J. Brehm of the University of Cincinnati in Ohio told Reuters Health that despite the apparent short-term benefits of the low-carbohydrate, high-protein (LCHP) diet, this option may not be healthy in the long run.
Singapore Straits Times: World chess champion wins $1.3m in draw with computer

Mr Kramnik's draw with the machine exceeded the performance of his predecessor as world champion, Mr Gary Kasparov, who in 1997 was defeated by supercomputer Deep Blue in New York.

The final game was the shortest of the contest, with the 21 moves taking just under two hours.

After two wins each and four draws, the final tally was 4-4

Mr Kramnik said he was amazed by the strong performance of Deep Fritz during the tournament, which had been 'incredibly much stronger' than chess programmes he had played even a year ago.

'It is stronger in a positional way,' he said.

'It is not just strong in terms of calculations, which is to be expected, but in terms of positional moves, it plays like a very strong human, these are human moves.'

The Deep Fritz team said they learnt a lot from the eight-match tournament with Mr Kramnik. They vowed to further refine and improve their creation.

Wired News: Chess: Man vs. Machine Plays Out

Haifa University held a two-day symposium to address one question: What's the point of all this computer chess?

Fernand Gobet, a psychologist from the University of Nottingham who specializes in intelligent systems, spoke in a videoconference about the chunking theory. It postulates that a grandmaster sees the chessboard as patterns or "chunks" of pieces, then as groups of these chunks -- not as individual pieces.

Such research may help software developers who are progressing from brute force search to something more sophisticated.

"Now we have two more matches ... and we will get new data to see whether the machine is better than the man... If you want to understand intelligence, the game of Go is much more demanding," [Jonathan Schaeffer of the University of Alberta] said. "It doesn't have the silver bullet: deep search. Chess has somewhat outlived its usefulness. It turned out to be easier than we thought."
Spirited Away
TAP: Animation Sensation.

Why Japan's magical Spirited Away plays well anywhere.

"Compared either with Disney or with his counterparts in the often violent anime realm, Miyazaki's an original, a modern-day mythmaker. His coming-of-age stories for little girls showcase little girls, not grown women. And in these stories, a girl's salvation comes not from romantic love or manly rescue but from her own confidence, bravery and sense of wonder.

Sunday, October 20, 2002 : Study on Affects of Positive Thinking

New research has dealt a blow to the idea that a positive outlook might improve a patient's chances of surviving cancer, scientists said Saturday.

However, experts said it is still worthwhile for patients to improve their attitude, perhaps by joining a cancer support group, because it does make them feel better. - Lunar power plant would fulfill Earth's electricity needs, trio says
Managed to get several things done yesterday. I voted, went to the bank, grocery store, demonstrated my card game and stayed up early playing Civilization board game.
Yahoo! News - Index Finger Length Can Predict Penis Size: Study

On the heels of a previous report that debunked the notion that a man's shoe size could be used to estimate the length of his penis, a new study now claims that those with inquiring minds need merely take a gander at a man's forefinger.

According to Greek scientists, the length of a man's index finger can accurately predict the length of his penis. The findings are published in the September issue of the journal Urology.

The Register -- Microsoft has yanked yet another of its fraudulent user testimonials

Again a phony picture and this time no words a 12-year old would use in describing how Microsoft was helping him in his book report, but a public relations executive would.

Friday, October 18, 2002


Part of my study on how long should a blog be. The median average post of a group of blogs was about 175 words. The average column in Newsweek is about 750 words. Kevin Drum beleives 400 words should be the maximum for a post.
Dan Gillmore: Microsoft Piggy Bank Tops $40 Billion

They have all this cash and nothing to do with it, now. He is right, they are probably waiting for the anti-trust to be over and gobble up a lot of other companies. Every independant software company in the world could be gone just like that except they are worried about anti-trust.
Modbee - Wife's bites cause death

Modesto police said Kelli Pratt wanted her feeble 65-year-old husband to have sex with her the night of Oct. 7.

When Arthur Pratt refused, police said, his 45-year-old wife held him down and bit him repeatedly during a savage attack that ultimately killed him.

Arthur, whose skin was riddled with more than 20 deep tooth marks, died Sunday at Doctors Memorial Center in Modesto -- six days after the attack.

New Scientist -- Man and machine deadlocked in chess duel

The eighth and final game between world chess champion Vladimir Kramnik and the computer program Deep Fritz will decide outcome of the entire match, after the penultimate game in the series was drawn on Thursday.

The score is now tied at three and a half points each, leaving the last game on Saturday as a winner-takes-all tie. In the latest game Kramnik appeared to have an attacking advantage early on. But, not for the first time in the match, Deep Fritz played perfect defence and the players agreed on a draw.

Kramnik also said his opponent would have an advantage in preparing for the final showdown. "To be honest, the result will, to a large extent, be based on luck," he said. "The computer doesn't feel any pressure at all, and therefore has a real psychological advantage."

New ScientistTeen angst rooted in busy brain

Scientists believe they have found a cause of adolescent angst. Nerve activity in the teenaged brain is so intense that they find it hard to process basic information, researchers say, rendering the teenagers emotionally and socially inept.

Robert McGivern and his team of neuroscientists at San Diego State University, US, found that as children enter puberty, their ability to quickly recognise other people's emotions plummets.

Thursday, October 17, 2002

Why Iraq

Nasdaq performance. -- Oblivion awaits

The Big Five music-recording companies have been transcendent in not understanding the internet. Their combined efforts have gone beyond killing their e-businesses and are close to destroying an entire industry.

He lists 10 rules of e-business failure, a list inspired by the recording industry's imaginative approach.

netmeme: Blogger's Proverbs From bryan

To be Linked is to be Liked.

Googliness is next to Godliness.

Flamed once, shame on you. Flamed twice, shame on me.

Blog today what you will forget tomorrow.

Absence makes the hits go yonder.

Blogs of a feather link together.

If at first you don't get linked, blog, blog again.

Slashdot never strikes twice in the same place.

Strike while the topic is hot.

A watched hitlog never scrolls.

You get what you pay for.

There is no spoon.

Wednesday, October 16, 2002

"Deep Fritz" evens up chess challenge - Tech News -

Deep Fritz, the German-developed chess computer, played a nearly flawless game to outwit world champion Vladimir Kramnik in just 34 moves Tuesday and pull even in the $1 million eight-match series.
The second win in a row for Deep Fritz brought the eight-match series to 3-3 in what has been billed the "Brains in Bahrain" challenge.

Tuesday, October 15, 2002

Duct tape zaps warts
Daily Media News

Web users turn tables on Microsoft
Microsoft has been caught using a fake advert that claimed people were switching from Macs to Windows PCs.
The advert debuted on Microsoft's website and supposedly recounted the story of a former Apple Mac user who had converted to using Windows.

But investigative work by net users revealed that the supposed 'switcher' actually worked for a marketing company employed by Microsoft.

The Miami Herald -- Selling newspapers in a Jimmy Eat World

Dave Barry gets advice from kids on how to get them to read newspapers.

Monday, October 14, 2002

Pasadena Citizen -- New Gilley's Restaurant finds home in former Ernie's building

A familiar name is returning to the limelight in Pasadena. Over 10 years after shutting down the world-famous honky-tonk on Spencer, country music superstar Mickey Gilley is opening a new business in the city. Only this time, he has a new demographic in mind when he brings an upscale restaurant to town.

"I don't ever want to be in the nightclub business again," Gilley said. "I couldn't handle it - I'm too old."

6707 Fairmont Parkway

Sunday, October 13, 2002 - Europe, Japan target moon at space congress
This article doesn't mention the Chinese program. Will there be another space race but this time the United States sits out?
Guardian -- Shipwreck adventurer's fiction revealed as true after 270 years
It is likely the author of Robinson Crusoe was ghostwriter, however. : Historian Stephen Ambrose Dies at 66

Saturday, October 12, 2002

Congratulations, Gary!
Your IQ
score is

My Intellectual Type is a Visionary

I'm equally good at mathematical and verbal tasks, and learn best through

And for $$$ I can learn more but don't need to. - The Ultimate IQ Test
Independent Woman - played by kittens Another cat music video following
their Viking Cats.
Wired News: Whisper the Songs of Silence

Round out your digital music mp-3 collection with downloads of "lowercase" - the sounds of silence. Very quiet sounds with long empty silences between them. One popular piece is listening to a tea kettle boil.
Wired News: A Site for Your Eyes
Wired News has always been the place to go for the latest news for geeks. It has also always been known for controversial design. This is it's latest redesign.

Friday, October 11, 2002

TIVO is probably not going to last. It is too complicated and it will be superceded by DVD Recorders. The concept is great but TIVO has the problem of being the first big company out with a product while the bugs are worked out. People also don't want another subscription service. A TIVO without a subscription that also included a burner would work.
Why Iraq?Sky News - Cat Hitches 350 Mile Lift

Three-year-old Burmese cat Gallagher, which has a history of jumping into cars, disappeared for a month.

He was found wandering in Stockton-on-Tees.

RSPCA officials realised he had an identity microchip implanted and traced him to owner Rachel Pedley's home 350 miles away in Hampshire.

RSPCA animal collection officer Kirsten Anderson said: "Apparently Gallagher has a fondness for jumping into cars, so we think he must have climbed into a van or truck and accidentally hitched himself a lift up north.

Rachel, 20, said Gallagher had suffered from asthma and had been pampered for years because of his condition.

He currently needed inhalers twice a day, regular eye drops and visited a specialist to aid his condition three times a month.

She had been told by a psychic the cat was dead and is now due to be reunited with Gallagher later this week.
IOL : Hi dad, says call-girl at the door Jerusalem - An Israeli man suffered a heart attack when he summoned a call-girl to his hotel room and opened the door to his daughter, a newspaper reported on Thursday.

The 48-year-old businessman was treated in hospital in the Red Sea port of Eilat before returning home to northern Israel, where he confessed the traumatic experience to his wife.

His wife burst into tears and vowed to put their daughter back on the righteous path, then promptly demanded a divorce from her errant husband.

There was no word on the fate of the young woman. - Sapa-AFP This is probably an Urban Legend.
IHT: 'Psychographic' personalities: You are what you earn
Houston Press
HISD teacher caught in the certification bureaucracy.
Kids at McDonald's.

Pasadena Citizen

Fifteen children from a school in El Salvador experienced the fun of feasting at McDonald's for the very first time Thursday, and based on their smiles and repeated polite requests for more ketchup, they are ready for a repeat.

Wednesday, October 09, 2002

M-I-C-K-E-Y  M-O-U-S-E

NYTimes -- Justices Hear Arguments in Challenge to Copyrights
Wow, I had been getting rising readership but today I first discovered I have two links to my blogs. I don't know the correct etiquette? Should I link to them now? Should I read their blogs and then decide? Should I send them an email?
I'll just list and link them here for now. Poetry here, I don't have a link for my poetry yet. Smart person with good political concerns. Technology | Riding along with the Internet Bookmobile

Angered by a law that extends copyright terms for 20 years, a crusader named Brewster Kahle wants to use the Internet to make books available to everyone.

In a print-on-demand world, where the cost of creating a book runs about $1 and the capital costs run under $10K, libraries don't lend books, they give them away.

If the Supreme Court upholds Sonny Bono, it will leave the door open for Congress to perpetually extend copyright. If that happens, it is reasonable to assume that no more works will ever enter the public domain. Even if the court finds against the law, the decision wouldn't change the fundamental fact that new works automatically enter this super-lengthy copyright protection.

Mickey Mouse vs. The People

The Sonny Bono Copyright Extension Act harms the public by retroactively taking information from the public domain and putting it back under the control of copyright holders. Lawrence Lessig, then a law professor at Harvard, heard their call and took on the case pro bono. The previous law, passed in 1978, protected an author's work for 50 years after an author died, while works for hire -- those created for a corporation, like Mickey Mouse -- were protected for 75 years. The Bono Act extended both categories by two decades. - HISD cheers designation as top urban district in U.S.
SpongeBob SquarePants - Something About 'SpongeBob' Whispers 'Gay' to Many Men

Will there be comments from Rev. Falwell when he gets done bashing Islam?

Tuesday, October 08, 2002

New Scientist More Ig Noble Prize winners - The annual awards for achievements that "cannot or should not be reproduced" were presented at Harvard University on 3 October.

British poultry farmers trying to raise ostriches in the 1990s called in scientists to find out why their birds were failing to breed. Careful observations confirmed the birds were courting the farm workers rather than each other,

The economics prize was shared among a long list of corporations for "adapting the mathematical concept of imaginary numbers for use in the business world."
Independent News First Americans forced to move because of global warming?

Monday, October 07, 2002

Sunday, October 06, 2002

How and Why the Internet Broke There were problems last week.
Global Warming is happening - another recent attack rebutted
Science joke:

One atom is talking to another.
“I think I ‘ve lost an electron!” he complains.
“Are you sure?” asks the second atom.
“Yeah!” says the first. “I’m positive!” - Harassment causes long-term pain Miss America was victim of harrassment in school.
Art - Barry: Tate Gallery's Taste in Art is in the Toilet - Microbes could be in Venus atmosphere

Saturday, October 05, 2002


The winner of this year's Ig Nobel Prize for pointless academic papers was written by Sydney University research fellow Dr Karl Kruszelnicki. His study was a large survey of belly button lint. - 10.3 - THE SIMPSONS GENERATION (EXCERPT)

Brilliant essay on the Simpson's and how the show captured the 90's. The essay is going into Yahoo! and the internet when it is cut off.

Thursday, October 03, 2002

Frontline : The Man Who Knew

Did John O'Neill, the former head of the FBI's New York counterterrorism unit, figure out the Sept. 11 plot before it happened? That possibility underlies this compelling chronicle of his career.

O'Neill was perhaps America's foremost Al Qaeda expert, but his intensity and flamboyance bothered many Bureau bureaucrats, including ex-director Louis Freeh, and he was forced out in August 2001. Filmmaker Michael Kirk pieces together O'Neill's story from interviews with his allies (critics declined interview requests). “We're due for something big,” one recalls him saying on Sept. 10, 2001. The next day, O'Neill died on the job as security chief at the World Trade Center.

Lots of daily political links on my liberal page.

The Atlantic Letter From Egypt P. J. O'Rourke traveling
New Scientist

"Swapping glasses for contact lenses can dramatically increase success with the opposite sex, research on short-sighted students in a nightclub has found."

Funny, I find glasses sexy.

Wednesday, October 02, 2002

Animated Gulf Satellite Accuweather and ABC13

Landfall is still expected west Lousiana, we should have some gusts.
NATIONAL POST It might be useful to remember - you are not naked if you have shoes on. My free legal advice for the day.
Weather Underground: Pasadena, Texas Forecast

Current Tropical Prediction Center forecast the storm should make landfall Thursday afternoon along the southwestern Louisiana coast. Houston is under Tropical Storm Warning - possible gusts to 40 mph Thursday morning to afternoon.

In three hours they will issue new update. Meteorology discussion indicates about the same track but higher winds for Hurricane Lili.
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

"Global Warming" may cause an abrupt North Atlantic "Ice Age" Northern United States, Northern Atlantic Ocean and Europe could switch in a 3 to 10 year period to extremely cold winters. The North Atlantic becoming less salty, "freshening" could shut down the Gulf Stream which keeps the North Atlantic region warm. Right now there is no evidence for cooling, only for freshening of the northern Atlantic Ocean.

Tuesday, October 01, 2002

The Onion RIAA Sues Radio Stations For Giving Away Free Music!

According to Rosen, the radio stations acquire copies of RIAA artists' CDs and then broadcast them using a special transmitter, making it possible for anyone with a compatible radio-wave receiver to listen to the songs.

Elizabeth Moon dashed off:

Frisk, frisk, frisk across the back yard came a young squirrel, flirting
its tail....and then it slowed, and began to dig a hole in which to bury
the pecan.

Flap, flap, flap, into the low branch of the sapling oak behind the
squirrel came the blue jay.

The squirrel buried the nut, patted the surface, and frisked away about
ten feet...the blue jay flew to the hole and began digging with its

The squirrel whirled around--ACK! in squirrel body language--and charged
the blue jay. GET AWAY FROM MY NUT!

The blue jay flapped back to the little oak with no great concern. The
squirrel dug the nut up--yeah, still there--and reburied it. And again
went away, but not too far. The blue jay came down to dig up the nut.
Back came the squirrel, chittering. A second blue jay dove at the
squirrel, which flinched and backed off.

Yeah, the jay got the nut.


I also ran across Ian Wallace's blog. A very different writer.
“Al Gore asked the crowd, “Are you better off that you were two years ago?” That’s what he asked in his speech, yes. And most people in the crowd said, No, but at least we’re better off than Al Gore.” - Conan O'Brien
Weather Underground: Tropical Storm: Strike Probability

Hurricane Lili - SW LA - Fri AM - Category 3 - we should get some rain from this one.