Saturday, January 31, 2004

The Nit Picker's Guide to the Lord of the Rings

The following is a lengthy list of deviations to be found when comparing the text of The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien and the translation of those texts to film as undertaken by Peter Jackson, Take note, I'm not paying attention to omissions on Jackson's part (i.e. the obvious: Bombadil, the Barrowdowns, etc.; nor the less obvious, how the party ended up with Bill the pony or the arrows bouncing off Frodo's mithril shirt as the party flees the Terror at the Bridge of Khazad-dum). I must admit that I am a purist. I am not happy with many of the changes Jackson and Boyens made to the tale. In fact, the only change I really enjoyed was the insertion of Eowyn singing at Theodred's funeral. As such, the tone I take in some of my descriptions of the deviations is sometimes quite critical of Jackson and Boyens--not that there isn't plenty to like...especially when comparing Jackson's telling to Bakshi's.

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