Tuesday, March 11, 2008

"What I Did On My Christmas Holidays by Sally Sparrow"

Dr. Who short story upon which a Dr. Who episode nominated for a Nebula award is based.
I am 12 years old, I have auburn hair, braces you can hardly see, a dent in my left knee from where I fell off a bicycle when I was ten, and parents. I also have a little brother called Tim. My Mum told Mrs Medford that Tim Wasn't Planned, and you can tell because his nose isn't straight and his hair sticks up and I can't believe you'd do all that on purpose. Or his ears.

I am top in English, and Miss Telfer says I have an excellent vocabulary. I have sixteen friends who are mainly girls. I haven't taken much interest in boys yet, because of the noise....
The TV episode adds a lot about statues that move and try to kill you when you aren't looking or you blink your eyes, as well as a number of plot holes.

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