Tuesday, December 24, 2002

Yahoo! News - Kroger Lets Shoppers Pay Via Fingerprint

Suppose you endured the checkout line at the grocery store only to find that you were short on cash, or you'd forgotten your wallet. What if you could settle the bill with just the touch of your finger?

Kroger Co., the largest U.S. supermarket chain, is offering some customers just that opportunity, testing finger imaging as a method of payment in three of its Texas stores.

Customers can register for the voluntary program by presenting a drivers license, an index finger and a method of payment -- either credit card, debit card or electronic check.

The company has been testing finger imaging in the Texas towns of Bryan and College Station for about nine months. About 10,000 customers are currently participating.

Students from nearby Texas A&M University have been particularly receptive, as have "surprisingly, many of our seniors," Huddleston said.

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