Sunday, June 06, 2004

Bad Food?

Ethiopian sponge bread and goat I have never particularly cared for.

Blue Nile Ethiopian is where you can find the sponge bread, menu here(pdf). Many places in Houston have cabrito, where the best I've had is OK with enough of the gravy although the gravy was better without it. Fodor's talks about cabrito and other border specialties.

Baking an unripe avocado does not improve it, it becomes unedible, tasting like turpentine.

I normally like all food so to think of food I dislike I have to think a bit. I have been to place like the Waffle House and wasn't fond of the food, chili salad = a bit of a can of chili on lettuce. The recent just-like-you-make-in-your-dormroom if you are cheap nachos at Skillet and canned overcooked vegetables at many diners and cafes but really dislike takes something.

What are your experiences with bad food?

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